Starting IVF treatment can be confusing, stressful, and every other feeling we didn’t think we could feel. Aside from the swirl of emotions, we are all different. You can read many posts about what someone else did and it needs to feel right for you.
Me Before Starting IVF Treatment
Before I started IVF treatment, I chose to cut our alcohol and caffeine as it was my first round. It was like I was so keen to do everything I thought I could. Why? For me to be in a good place physically and mentally. I’ve talked before about doing what is right for you. So don’t beat yourself up if you want to have a glass of wine. Take to account that it is much better if you feel relaxed.
My friend told me about endometrial scratches so I decided to have one. By the way, speaking to your clinic about this as an option is always important. They will explain the reasons why it can help. Or if it is right or not for you. They will also tell you the best time to have it. But it’s believed to help with egg implanting, so why not?
Before you start your down-regulation injections, your clinic will talk you through each step. We have an upcoming episode about how to do your injections, so make sure you’ve subscribed. 😉
My clinic has shown me how to inject a pin cushion – the ‘drug teach’ ahead of starting and how to fill up the syringe and dispose of the needles.
It Won’t Be Convenient
You can almost be sure that the start day of your treatment won’t be convenient. That’s just sod’s law. I had to host an event the night I started. And I’d decided that 6.30 pm was going to be the most convenient and versatile time for me  ( the clinic had advised between 6-8 pm and one of my friends had said 7.30 ).
I bought some EMLA cream for numbing the skin which I’d read about. But do note it needs to be applied an hour and a half before injecting. Meaning you need to be organized and I’ve since learned it’s not advised to use, but I did. I didn’t realise this on Day 1, so I used an ice pack to numb the tummy for a few minutes. Neals Yard, a great relaxation oil I purchased which I popped onto my pulse points. And instantly it helped me feel relaxed! Rubbing a tube of arnica which I also bought, on the area after injecting became a part of my routine to heal the bruising. My chilled playlist was ready and I put on a silky nightgown. All part of what I’d decided was going to be my daily ritual.
It’s a Couple’s Journey
I was really nervous about the first one, which I’d named ‘Bilboe’. Â Hubby and I played a game each day taking turns to name the injection after a character. I’d read this on another blog written about a couple’s IVF journey and loved the idea. My husband was great and got me all set up as I managed to bend the first needle whilst trying to fill it – but don’t worry you’ll have plenty for exactly this reason!
Doing your injections with your partner to start with is personally what I advise as it helps them be involved plus it will relax you.! Once my tummy felt cold, I injected myself and within 30 seconds it was done! PHEW! High five to hubby! Then I rubbed some arnica on the area and got dressed and the pair of us went out for the night.
Life goes on and it’s much better to be busy as it takes your mind off the worry. I felt like I was more tired than normal at the end of the night. I’d also not had any alcohol as I decided to not drink a month before my treatment and I didn’t have anything during. This is your choice but I wanted to make my body as clean and healthy as I could to give everything the best chance of working.
You’ll Get More Confident as The Days Go On
Trust me you will get more confident as the days go on and whilst I would advise you to make your life as simple as possible, you can’t and shouldn’t hide away. Â Do make sure you carry your little kit with you when out and about so in case you can’t get home in time, you won’t be in a panic.
It’s funny, as whilst I loved my ritual with my music and the balm and icing my tummy – some days I was in a restaurant loo! Especially one time when we were at a wedding. I had a little pat on the back moment in that loo, thinking back to day 1. Â I did try the cream the following day, remembering to apply it an hour and a half earlier and I was surprised to get a big bruise the following day, so I didn’t use it much and stuck to icing instead.
Side Effects
Side effects.. well I was tired and by day 5 felt bloated day 6 tummy cramps and by day 8 I had a pretty upset stomach. Day 11 – I had a really bad night and had to call my clinic as I was constantly needing the loo. We discussed changes to the nose spray option but it would set me back. And I felt like I was getting better so I took medicine for the stomach upset (apparently a rare side effect) and by day 12 got my period.
It was as if my body said, here have this instead! Â Depending on your circumstances you will be monitored at various stages of your treatment. Your clinic will want you to inform them when you have a bleed and they will then instruct you when to start the next part of your treatment. After 18 days of the downers, I began the uppers. So now, there were two daily injections.
Read on to see how I got on