The Fertility Podcast
To educate and empower you about your fertility choices. With over 300 expert interviews & real stories from people talking about their paths to parenthood from around the globe.
Can I go to America to find an egg donor?
Have you been told you need to consider an egg donor in order to get pregnant? I met Sarah Esdaile at Fertility Fest 2018 when...
Thank you to the British Science Museum for sharing the audio from its Late opening event to celebrate IVF is 40, where Louise...
What tests can I do to check my fertility?
Modern Fertility offers a simple test empowering women with fertility awareness I first read about Afton in an article in...
How do I chart my cycle?
Why aren't we taught to chart our fertility in school? In my latest book review episode with my lovely guest reviewer Amber...
Should I have therapy before I start my treatment?
Firstly do make sure you've liked The Ultimate Fertility Guide on Facebook as that is the very exciting home of our live stream...
How to laugh about infertility and how to ask the right questions when meeting your consultant.
This is Karen, aka Hilariously Infertile as you may well know her on Instagram where she's built an impressive audience of over...
The Queer Family is not a new phenomenon. The LGBT community has been making babies and parenting for a long time. But in recent...
What are the best books to read when trying to conceive?
Meet Amber who writes a brilliant blog She's my new guest book reviewer and makes her debut sharing some of the many fertility...
Can a Naturopath help me conceive? Gabriela Rose talks about her work
Gabriela Rosa is one of Australia's leading fertility experts. Through her clinic leads a talented team of...
BONUS EPISODE: FERTILITY FEST 2018 What comes first the career of the egg
Go to university. Get on the career ladder. Kiss a few frogs before finding your prince (or princess). But what does this mean...
Could a fertility mentor help me?
I spoke to Brad Ash after he had responded to a tweet I'd put out asking for Men to share their stories. If you've been...
Why you need to speak up if you think you have PCOS – Amy Medling
Amy Medling is on a mission to make sure her 9-year-old daughter makes good choices with her food and understands that it is a...
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