The Fertility Podcast

To educate and empower you about your fertility choices.  With over 300 expert interviews & real stories from people talking about their paths to parenthood from around the globe.



We'll be sharing our new shorted pods from Monday 3rd February. Ten minutes of general musings from Natalie and Kate and...

What does OHSS feel like?

What does OHSS feel like?

We're back for 2020, after a slight break. Sorry if you've missed us. Hopefully, you've subscribed so you get this episode as...

Trailer for 2020

Trailer for 2020

Thank you SO much for your ongoing support this year  - Kate and I will be back in 2020   Check out @fertilitypoddy on...

The Single Embryo debate

The Single Embryo debate

Have you heard about the single embryo debate? In today's episode, we will be hearing from Dr. Dean Morbeck, Scientific Director...

Leave us a message!

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I absolutely loved your second guest on the podcast. Every single word of your interview rang truths with me, I just wanted to keep shouting yes yes yes!! The midwife totally got it. After concieving through second second of ivf after 4 losses, my anxieties have been through the roof and if I’m honest my midwife booking in appointment was so procedural and I had so many questions and queries, the kind you run past your ivf nurses with ease and just felt really disappointed and dispondant as left. How can we spread the word ‘up north?!

– Ellie

Thanks for doing this podcast. I found it really interesting. My partner and I are trying (10months now) and I’m 35 so we need to get a wriggle on! Dr keeps saying “don’t exercise too much” but can never tell me what that means, we are both fairly active. So this podcast was right up my street!

– Sam

I think its amazing that you are here to help people that are going through what you did. Sometimes all you need is someone else who understands.

– Nell

Just wanted to thank you for your episode on adenomyosis.I have stage 4 endometriosis and am having surgery with the hope of achieving a pregnancy in the near future.I had no idea that 80% of women with severe endo will also have adenomyosis. I have always had painful periods so this is something I can take back to discuss with the consultant.Thanks again, trying to get to grips with my endo has been such a lonely experience and listening to your podcast on the train in the morning makes me feel less alone and hopeless.

– Cath

What a wonderful podcast you’ve produced! You’ve featured some amazing topics. I’m sure your following is very grateful for your work and the support you offer the fertility community.

– Heidi


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