How can using a syringe help you get pregnant at home?

Apr 8, 2016

Would you use a syringe to get pregnant? As The Fertility Podcast matures, and I meet more and more people on Twitter, I’m keen to broaden the topics I cover in the podcast.  Don’t get me wrong, the focus of what I’m doing still remains on infertility, however, I think it’s important to consider your options if you’ve found you’ve still not gotten pregnant in the time frame you’d hoped.

Having had successful fertility treatment I can see that we did kind of rush into it pretty quickly and the more I learn from the people I speak to, I’ve realized there are all sorts of possibilities. I’m not naive and I know this isn’t going to be for everyone, however, I was pretty fascinated when I met Marc and Maureen on Twitter – founders of Mosie baby.

The pair are married and not only have they created a product to help people get pregnant at home.. with a pretty impressive result.



Maureen celebrating her big fat positive

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As more and more CCGs in the UK withdraw their funding for IVF and the cost is still to be regulated couples need to really know what they have available to them if the money side is out of reach. I am about to release a series of episodes working with Access Fertility who is sponsoring the podcast about the clinics they work with providing finance packages for IVF treatment. However, if you are at the point where you aren’t getting pregnant but you can’t get your head around fertility treatment then here’s something to think about.


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