What is it like going from down regulation to stims?

Aug 7, 2014

After 18 days of injections, I was told by my clinic to start the second phase of injections, the uppers as I called them. So my husband and I now came up with famous duo’s for their names. The first pair were Tom and Jerry!

Tom and Jerry Pic:picturesnew.com

Tom and Jerry Pic:picturesnew.com

Start of the Journey- Days 3 – 6

On day three we were in a restaurant, so I used the EMLA  cream. My first scan at the clinic was on day six. Depending on your blood test results before you start for things like your AMH levels, the clinic will decide when they want to see you.

Regarding your work

About your work,  I don’t think you should have to tell anyone what is actually going on. But tell your boss or someone superior that ‘something’ is going on.  That way they won’t think you are moonlighting or looking for another job. Since this phase of treatment will mean you will have to leave early or get there late. This process doesn’t need to stress you out.

Day 8 – 10

All was fine,  I had been given a lower dosage so the clinic could monitor my follicles as I had quite a few. At that visit, my dosage was increased. Day eight was a second scan and the increased scan had worked.

One thing, when using the gonal pens which are similar to what diabetics use. Don’t worry if whilst injecting you aren’t able to give yourself the full amount. As it means the pen has run out and you need to start a second. I had an unnecessary freakout!

Day 10 – Saturday a third visit to the clinic. I had 8 follicles on one side and 13 on the other, so I was told my egg collection should be that coming Wednesday.  A sample of blood was taken and I was to await a call from the clinic to be told to take my trigger ( 36 hours before collection).

I had told my work that there would be a day in the coming week when I would be off, and it was worth giving them notice. If plans change and you can go in, that’s much better for your employer than just leaving them in the search. I know some people choose to take the whole time off work, but I wanted to keep my mind active.

I was nearly there. One vital piece of advice I would offer at this point is to practice meditation and visualisation. If possible using specific IVF meditation which helps you to visualize egg collection and transfer is highly recommended. I hope to share the one I used here shortly as I feel it played a significant part in what happened next.


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