Here are a few of my favourite blogs that I wanted to share with you.
I speak to numerous people who I meet on twitter who are blogging and they all talk about how beneficial the experience is. It is so overwhelming being on a fertility journey and you are NOT alone. If you blog about your infertility I want to hear from you..
This list is always growing, so if you also write a blog please do get in touch and i’ll get you featured on my list.
First up some my guests. Jessica Hepburn has been a regular guest and someone who I can now call a friend. She’s an ace lady and you can read about her journey
Kate Brian has also been a guest several times and along with Jessica works with Fertility Network UK as well as having written several books, editing the Journal of Fertility Counselling and writes her own brilliant and informative blog
Another podcast guest Lizzie shared her experience of dealing with miscarriage and how her blog, along with her faith had helped her You can also hear my chat with Lizzie
Tasha is an inspirational young woman who is dealing with her infertility in a unique way, selling gorgeous knickers. Her blog is ace and you can hear Tasha’s story here
Emily Hodge spoke to me about her fertility journey and how she had to deal with cancer as a newly wed in her early 30’s. She’s now coaching and has a great blog as well as videos and workshops for you to follow.
Claire gave me an insight into living with Endometriosis when we spoke and she writes an informative and touching blog
Tom Webb is currently producing a documentary called The Easy Bit and spoke to me about his journey. Together with his wife they wrote a blog which reached all corners of the globe
This lovely lady was an anonymous guest on my podcast after I found her blog and having just looked at it, I can see she’s now expecting twins which is great news. She shares some great insight as well as being a book worm so there’s some good tips there too
I’ve just interviewed James Docherty who writes the Scantily Dad blog which is a brilliant resource and James only started putting it together in March 2017 (i’ve published this in May 2017) I think it’s a fab insight into how Men deal with infertility and I hope you do too.
If you write a blog or have a fave, just email me or share a link below x