Understanding infertility acronyms

  I’m learning by the day, the acronyms used by the TTC (trying to conceive) community online… I was talking to a pal going through IVF the other day and explained my dilemma as the more remarkable people I find on twitter, the more acronyms I have to...
Guest Blog from Fertility Coach Kate Davies

Guest Blog from Fertility Coach Kate Davies

Kate Davies, a fertility coach features in the latest episode of The Fertility Podcast has written a guest blog this week. You can find out more information about her work here  “Fertility coaching is a relatively new approach in the UK, which is becoming more...
Guest Blog from Fertility Coach Kate Davies

What is fertility coaching and can it help me? Kate Davies explains

Interview with Fertility coach Kate Davies, understanding natural fertility methods, and Lisa Affield the Fertility yoga expert   About the guests: Kate Davies is a   Fertility practitioner, coach, and registered nurse with over 20 year’s experience. She has all...
The IVF Waiting Game

The IVF Waiting Game

Whilst going through fertility treatment, being patient is a given. I forgot just how challenging this was at the time, but was reminded yesterday from a friend who is currently going through her cycle. Her first attempt at down regulations drugs didn’t work and...

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