May 15, 2017
The Fertility Podcast · Can I get pregnant in my 40’s? Later Motherhood is OK. How refreshing is that to hear Meet my latest guest, Claudia Spahr an author, speaker, and coach. Claudia had her first child aged 42 and at 48 has three children. Her book...
May 8, 2017
The Fertility Podcast · How many men are struggling with infertility? This week a new survey released by IVI showed the number of men deeply affected by infertility blues was higher than women. As many as 7 out of 10 talked about the negative emotional impact from...
May 1, 2017
The Fertility Podcast · Can poor sperm quality be improved? Did you know, Poor sperm doesn’t have to lead straight to fertility treatment. Instead it could result in intervention. which could improve your mobility, motility and although it might not mean you can...
Apr 25, 2017
The Fertility Podcast · What apps are useful for tracking my cycle when TTC? What are the best fertility apps? There are numerous fertility apps to use when trying to conceive and rather than looking at all of them, I’ve picked a few which are all pretty...
Apr 17, 2017
The Period Whisperer more commonly known to her friends as Rachel Dutton, has a number of innovative titles she goes by on her website The Healthy Womb. Known as the Period Whisperer amongst friends, Rachel works to educate women about ways to understand their...