Feb 19, 2018
Rachel Vrabec and Gaby Ruiz-Funes have been doing some fascinating research into how we track our fertility and I wanted to speak to the pair to hear what they had found out and why they were doing it. Technology is such a massive part of our lives, I wanted to know...
Feb 12, 2018
My guest Sarah Banks is a fertility coach who decided to quit her stressful job having experienced a real drop in the support offered to people going through fertility treatment, after a failed cycle. Sarah and her husband spent six years dealing with infertility...
Feb 12, 2018
Secondary Infertility is the elephant in the room. I’m working on another episode talking about Secondary Infertility and I wanted to put out a quick call out to see whether it’s something you’ve found yourself struggling with and would like to speak...
Feb 5, 2018
A lesson in how to illustrate your infertility, perfectly. Instagram has an amazing #TTC community which I’ve been getting to know and my guest in this episode is a lovely lady called Christine McDonough who has been sharing her work since August 2017....
Jan 29, 2018
I was fascinated to speak to Zeynep as I wanted to know more about women who are freezing their eggs, how they feel about it and how they feel about there being a ten-year cut-off point, which is something I didn’t know about. She explained how women come to the...