The Two Week Wait

Feb 18, 2021

How the hell do you cope with it. How do you make sure you don’t test early. What is the right and wrong thing to do….

There is a multitude of opinions and conversations, which is one thing I didn’t have to hide from during my treatment, as firstly there wasn’t the TTC community there is today. You can learn so much from going down the rabit holes online but time and time again I hear how toxic this is making us feel.

I made a point of not visiting any forums during my treatment, as advised by my best friend who had been through it, having success after her third attempt. So she was my go-to. Knowing what i know now, having spoken to many people about the stress caused by symptom spotting, comparing everything with conversations you see online, the constant anxiety is too much for so many.

I want you to be prepared for what this two week period… 14 days of your life might make you feel like, so I’ll tell you what I did during my two-week wait and share my thoughts from what I’ve learnt over the last seven years of talking about IVF.

It may well become an obsession to find out whether you are pregnant, so the more you can do to maybe have a digital detox the better.  We booked to go to the beach for a few days after our embryo transfer and it was very special. Both my husband and I gave ourself permission to just checked out of the everyday. We had no choice. We were in a remote cottage, with no internet.

Just delicious food and the breathtaking coastline of Suffolk, a DVD of The Secret ( it was in the cottage ) and each other. We were away for a long weekend and on our return, we had a number of nice things planned, we went to the movies – the posh one where they bring drinks to your table. We went for some nice walks. I saw a few girlfriends and I put my mind into my work.

When it came to testing, I didn’t test early. I figured I’d got this far. I can’t remember if I felt symptoms as I wasn’t googling what they could be, so I just spent the time being a bit naive which in hindsight was a blessing as it didn’t seem that hard for me.

If you are reading this and you have been through the TWW several times, please don’t think my comments patronising, as I know I was so bloody luck to only have to go through it once. But you are an intelligent person and you know that can’t mess with time. It goes quicker the busier you are, so my advice would be is plan the two week wait. Like you would a project.

Do things you like that make you feel good, go away if you can. Be strict with yourself that you aren’t going to drive yourself mad, especially if you’ve been through if before.

You can handle this!!

Ideally you might have spent a bit more time ahead of starting treatment thinking about your emotional wellbeing, which is where I come in with my coaching, sprinkling my self care wand over you.

I tell you something, in the work I do as a Freedom Fertility Formula specialist the number of times I have had conversations with people getting themselves into such a state due to spending hours scrolling trying to get answers and I get to see how such a transformation as we work through the formula.  I teach ways to understand your emotions, to change your behaviour, to divert yourself from the self saboteur and instead, consciously decide to do things differently. I also share brilliant viusalisations which you can listen to before, during and after treatment

For me it’s been amazing hearing from people who despite not having a positive test at the end of their TWW, but they still feel like they coped so much better and if you would like to understand more about how we could work together, do get in touch 


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